NATO has established eight different capability coalitions designed to get critical systems or ammo into Ukrainian hands quickly. Here’s a deep dive into how they’re all faring.
By Tim MartinThe plan is designed not just to improve Luxembourg’s military space capabilities, but also specifically to improve defense cooperation with the US by “jointly exploiting” the new SES satellites.
By Theresa HitchensEach of the new satellites can support up to 5,000 digitally formed beams, according to SES officials, using open architectures that allow governments to tailor the network to their own security standards and maintain national custody of the data links.
By Theresa HitchensSMC is “working on innovative relationships with, believe it or not, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and some other places you wouldn’t think of as traditional spacefaring nations,” says Gen. DT Thompson, Space Force vice.
By Theresa HitchensTiny Luxembourg is mighty in Europe’s space innovation sector. Because of a government-backed investment and tax-break scheme launched in 2017, it now is home to more than 50 commercial space companies and research labs.
By Theresa Hitchens