Can tech reduce civilian deaths in conflict? Mark Milley isn’t so sure.

Can tech reduce civilian deaths in conflict? Mark Milley isn’t so sure.
Can tech reduce civilian deaths in conflict? Mark Milley isn’t so sure.

“How are we going to reduce civilian deaths to the smallest amount humanly possible?” asked Palantir’s Alex Karp this week. “That is a tech problem.”

Palantir wins contract for Army TITAN next-gen targeting system

Palantir wins contract for Army TITAN next-gen targeting system
Palantir wins contract for Army TITAN next-gen targeting system

In December, an Army official called TITAN “one of the foundational elements from the intelligence modernization efforts within the Army.” 

Space Force effort to replace aging space tracking software lagging: DOT&E

Space Force effort to replace aging space tracking software lagging: DOT&E
Space Force effort to replace aging space tracking software lagging: DOT&E

“[P]roduct development has been slower than anticipated, and the projected date to decommission SPADOC continues to extend further to late FY24, a delay of more than two years from the original timeline,” according to the 2023 Annual Report of the Pentagon’s Director of Operational Test & Evaluation.

Army to test TITAN prototypes this summer as it moves toward downselect

Army to test TITAN prototypes this summer as it moves toward downselect
Army to test TITAN prototypes this summer as it moves toward downselect

TITAN is the service’s ground station meant to process data from space and land-based “sensors” using artificial intelligence, which will then be sent off to the right “shooter” — part of the core concept of JADC2.

Army’s Project Convergence tested space links for TITAN targeting system

Army’s Project Convergence tested space links for TITAN targeting system
Army’s Project Convergence tested space links for TITAN targeting system

Northrop Grumman’s TITAN “pre-prototype” was designed to test only the ability of a ground station to rapidly tap into and disseminate satellite imagery. developing ‘intelligent automation platform’ to replace 14 legacy systems for Army developing ‘intelligent automation platform’ to replace 14 legacy systems for Army developing ‘intelligent automation platform’ to replace 14 legacy systems for Army

The company’s work on the Global Force Information Management System will be a step in helping the Army meet one of Secretary Christine Wormuth’s top objectives: ensuring it becomes data-centric and data-driven.

Army moves ahead with Palantir and Raytheon for next phase of TITAN

Army moves ahead with Palantir and Raytheon for next phase of TITAN
Army moves ahead with Palantir and Raytheon for next phase of TITAN

The TITAN program is a tactical ground station that will process data from across space and land-based sensors using artificial intelligence and ship it off to the right shooter — such as one of the new Army long-range precision fires missiles.

Seeing in the dark: Space Force works, slowly, to improve monitoring of the heavens

Seeing in the dark: Space Force works, slowly, to improve monitoring of the heavens
Seeing in the dark: Space Force works, slowly, to improve monitoring of the heavens

Space Force hopes to finally be able to ditch this year its “old clunker” SPADOC computer system for managing space surveillance data.

Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system

Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system
Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system

At the moment it is unclear when Space Force and Space Command actually will decommission CAVEnet, 2000s-era tech that analysts use for highly accurate and classified tracking of space objects.  

Army Awards Palantir $823M Contract For Enterprise ‘Data Fabric’

Army Awards Palantir $823M Contract For Enterprise ‘Data Fabric’
Army Awards Palantir $823M Contract For Enterprise ‘Data Fabric’

The award is part of the second capability drop of the Distributed Common Ground Systems-Army.

Trump Nominees Signal New Hope For Tech Innovation

Trump Nominees Signal New Hope For Tech Innovation
Trump Nominees Signal New Hope For Tech Innovation

President Donald Trump’s six latest nominees to lead the Pentagon provide some hope for those who have long been frustrated with the Defense Department’s roadblocks to procuring innovative technologies. From the Boeing executive who spent time on the company’s successful commercial side who’s been picked for Deputy Defense Secretary, to the House Armed Services aide who crafted the…